acum, acum imi intra lumini orbitoare in ochi,
me desconcentrez rau de tot din gândit...
si astept doua soapte, doua mici soapte care-mi gâdila urechea
si care vor sa.mi explice ce inseamna sa poti pluti intr'un aer imbibat de miros masculin si animalic.
Ce pofte neimplinite ma pornesc? stai sa-ti explic...
Captivat/ fluorescent si putin verde, ce poate insemna?
Cred ca nu e teama in momentul asta de un dezmat.
Nebun, feroce, cum vrei tu...
Dar sa inceapa acum, in momentul asta sopteste'mi ca incepe seara, seara mult asteptata!
Let's the party start. !
Where? in my mind
just my mind control all those fluorescent adolescent craziest things about sex , boys and things that i wanna do it now , in this moment, right here , right now!
Take over control!
Feel it? feel the drums? feel the bass?
Do you feel it?
My lips touching your lips.
My tongue moving slowly into your mouth.
My hands moving over your neck,shoulders,hair,and finally , ops, your ass!
You make me feel like i'm the only girl in the world!
you look at me like an animalic girlfriend who wants to take off your clothes.
This is what you want, a crazy night? without clothes, just you and I.<3
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